Funding Opportunities
Deadline: August 30th, 2024 @ 11:59 PST | | Additional Details
Beyond Open is a competitive small business grant program centered on building economic mobility in the Charlotte community including diverse-owned (minority, woman, veteran, LGBTQ, persons with disabilities) small businesses located within the Corridors of Opportunity as identified by the City of Charlotte.
Grant awards can be used for capital assets such as equipment, technology, inventory and real estate, and do not need to be repaid. We invite eligible small business owners to apply today!
$5 million in grants will be awarded in each of three rounds for a total $15 million.
For general questions about Beyond Open, see Resources and About pages. You may also email info@beyondopenclt.com
Review Process
Beyond Open grants are reviewed by a trusted team of community partners. The Beyond Open review process provides thorough consideration of every application received and unbiased grant award decisions. Due to the high number of applications received, Beyond Open is unable to provide 1:1 feedback on individual applications.
A minimum of two independent reviewers are assigned to each application.
Applications are reviewed to confirm eligibility requirements have been met, all documentation required has been provided, and that the information provided is accurate. Applications that do not meet these review standards do not move forward in the review process.
Each application is evaluated and scored according to the criteria below.
Eligibility requirements met.
All required documentation provided, complete and accurate. Required documentation and accurate information including financial statements (profit and loss, cash flow), two cost estimates for each asset over $20k, a business plan, tax documents and other information and documents as requested and required according to the grant amount requested (see Eligibility and Required Documentation.)
Clear focus and connection between asset and business impacts. Clear, strong, and direct connections within the application and information provided between the asset(s) the applicant wishes to acquire, near-term and future business vitality, and plans for achieving business growth, especially as measured by revenue and numbers of employees.
The Review Team is an independent, diverse group whose role is to review, score and make recommendations for grant awards in each round to Foundation For The Carolinas (FFTC). The review team does not include members of the Beyond Open Advisory Council. No member of the Advisory Council participates in the grant review or decision-making process.
Review team members are drawn from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg community and are representative of the racial, ethnic, gender and socio-economic diversity of the community, as well as the diverse small business owners at the center of the program’s focus. Review team members are highly qualified to review and assess applications via professional backgrounds, training and expertise. Members are selected to contribute a blend of professional and lived experiences, talents and skills, including:
a background in one or more of the following - small business ownership, advising/technical assistance, finance and capital access;
community engagement, outreach and awareness;
knowledge of on-the-ground realities and awareness of the challenges faced by small business owners on access to capital funding;
belief in the core goals of the program and commitment to helping small business owners succeed.
#corridorsofopportunity #FFTC #WellsFargo #smallbusinesscapital #clt #charlotte #smallbusinessgrant #economicmobility #OpenforBusinessFund